Electricity Supply
Navigating through your utility bills and supply contracts can be a stressful job. A business manager has to analyze the market, manage your price risks, contact energy providers, and even negotiate their contract's structure in order to get the best energy supply solution for your business. For many business managers the answer to this complex process is to turn to the energy supply experts at Efficient Power Tech to handle all of these jobs. We have quality relationships in the wholesale marketplace and the experience needed to get you the best pricing structure that fits your business' needs.
Buying electricity is a process, not a transaction.
Jon M. Gipson
CEO, Efficient Power Tech LLC
Here are our steps
1. Analyze Current Market Conditions
Obtaining the lowest price quote from a series of suppliers may only insure that you have received the lowest price at that point in time. However, the market price changes continuously. Therefore, there must be a better way to manage price. Incorporating a buying process that diversifies, hedges and optimizes price volatility over time is where partnering with Efficient Power Tech can result in long-term dividends for your organization.
2. An Understanding of Utility Charges/ We learn about your facility
Your facilities have a unique usage profile that generate differing transmission and distribution costs; such as demand charges and taxes. Knowing, understanding and managing these variables is an ongoing process that is best suited for experienced Energy Managers.
3. Managing Price Risks
Efficient Power Tech manages our client’s price risks, which is key to paying less over time. We do this by mitigating high risk factors that are associated with electricity pricing during high-peak times, above or below average temperatures, changes in the generation supply mix, unscheduled generator outages or other one-time events that cause market volatility.
4. Contract Negotiation
This involves knowing contract terms and conditions, avoiding pass-through charges, dealing with penalty language fairly, insuring taxes are applied correctly and that pricing structures are properly constructed into the contract.